A rocking party idea is buzzing in your mind! And a buzzing party is a big No No without a bar! After all you call it a party if the drink flows till 4 am with lots of chatter, laughter and music. But most of the time, even such a ravishing party turns out to be a big mess. Do you know why? Well, because you often overlook the most important component of your party — the bar! Either it’s left at the mercy of your guests (self pouring service) or managed by an amateur who goes nuts amidst the party rush. Well, havoc gets created! Result – you get mumbles instead of laughter, broken glasses instead of flowing drinks and complaints in place of happy chatter!
Why couldn’t your party be great without a bartender?
Having double thoughts about hiring a professional bartender for your party? Well, let us convince you otherwise. We are sure you’ll leave the thought of going for other alternatives and hire a cocktail bartender from Cocktails with Mario. After all they are the most reputed, experienced and trained to serve the drinks with a unique style and manage all your guests efficiently. So, are you ready to know why hiring them is necessary? Come, read on!
- Don’t be your own bartender — Ok, so you’ve decided to serve your guests the drinks and be a host too? In short, you are the host and a bartender as well? Well, get ready for a crazy time then! We are sure you’d go breathless jumping from the bar counter to the entrance and so on! Instead, why not save the trouble for the experts? They can do their job extremely well, believe us! You can trust them with your precious guests, and you stick to just hosting the party (and having fun too!).
- Your liquor is safe — Ok, so the other option that you probably thought was to leave the bar for your guests to serve for themselves. Nice idea, but have you thought about the consequences? Can you control the alcoholic Uncle Tim who’ll drain the entire bottle of Italian Wine for himself? And what about the guests who visit the bar in the end and get no champagne? You obviously can’t stop or limit your guests when they are their own bartenders. While an expert bartender saves your liquor and serves each guest in a hospitable proportion.
- Clean – organised set up — A bar handled by an amateur is often topsy turvy within an hour. Just imagine the picture, the empty bottles scattered on the counter, spilled wines, broken glasses and probably more! Doesn’t look appealing for your party, right? Hire a professional bartender! They’ll align the bottles well, keep the glasses straight and not a drop of cocktail is wasted.
- Long line no drinks — An amateur or no one at the bar counter often means a long line of guests waiting for their drinks. They’ll miss the fun in the party in this quest for alcohol! Chuck the long wait. Hire the professionals and let them handle each one efficiently, smoothly and attend the waiting ones without delay.
- Churn out unique and multiple varieties of cocktails – When you have a professional bartender on board, every cocktail requested gets served with precision. They are trained with the right knowhow to meet every request and creativity to innovate with provisions at the bar. Naturally, your guests shall grin ear to ear when they sip their cocktail.
We know the above reasons are convincing enough. But one prominent reason to grab them is, they even clean the bar counter after the party! Isn’t it great? We know you’d be delighted by this and are ready to finally hire them. Great decision. Do it now!